Thursday 28 April 2011

Duties toward MUSLIMS

is compulsory for every Muslim.  Allah has made it compulsion so that you may succeed in your life by leading a life according to the teachings of Allah (SWT). Allah has taught you how he wants you to live and act. There is code of ethics in Quran for every field of life. Through learning Quran, you make a clear understanding of your religion and thus, it becomes easier for you to apply all the teachings in your life.  Once you apply all teachings in your life, you ultimately become one out of the liked ones or chosen ones. This is why Allah has made Quran learning compulsory for you.
The Holy Prophet said: “The best of you is he who learnt the Holy Quran and taught it to others.” (Bukhari). This is why it is said that learning Quran is not enough for Muslims, but at the same time it is equally important to teach Quran to others. Our Prophet has always appreciated people who teach Quran to others. When you teach Quran to others, you get reward for every time they read Quran or act upon any of its teachings.
The Holy Prophet said:” Undoubtedly, the heart gets rusted like metal gets rusted when water goes over it”. The People asked, “How can they [hearts] be cleaned.” The Prophet replied, “To remember death in abundance and to recite the Holy Quran.” (Mishkat). The holy Quran acts as a cleaner for the hearts of the people. The more you read it the cleaner would be your heart.
Allah (SWT) says, “Will they not then ponder over the Quran, or is it that they have locks on their hearts!?” [Quran, 47:24]. Also “(This is) a Scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations, and that men of understanding may reflect.” [Quran, 38:29]
Quran helps you understand the wisdom of the world and the reality of life with an open heart and open mind. The path of Quran has been identified the right path by our creator Allah. He has made this path for us to benefit from and help ourselves to keep on the right path.
Quran learning is being offered through online Quran courses as well. There are numerous benefits attached to Quran learning online:
  • One to one classes
  • Trained and skilled tutors
  • No travelling issues
Online Quran tutors are equally competent as are the real life tutors. Most of the tutors who are offering their services online are Hafiz-e Quran, who have in-depth knowledge of Tajweed and Tarteel. They have excellent command over several international languages to deal different students such as Arabic, English and Urdu.
Always remember there is nothing important than Quran itself to be successful. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran. Al-Isra [17:9] “Surely this Quran guides to that which is most upright and gives good news to the believers who do good that they shall have a great reward.”

Quran: Learn Quran And Seek The Light, Which Would Lead You To The Right Path!

Quran is the ultimate source of light for Muslims. To seek this light one needs to learn Quran. The importance of the text of Quran cannot be doubted or questions. At the same time, the significance of learning Quran with translation holds a great strength.
There are number of issue in the daily life of Muslims, in which Muslims need to improve according to the Quran. Muslims have been practicing the same conventions from long time, without consulting Quran themselves. Unfortunately, many times Muslims ignore the negative side and only see the positive side of what has been written in the Quran.
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, “People used to ask the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) about good things, but I used to ask him about bad things because I was afraid that they might overtake me.” This is a great example to follow. Few common mistakes have been jot down below to let people know so that they can protect themselves and their dear ones from making these mistakes over the time. These mistakes are based upon few myths in the religion.
Myth 1: dua will be accepted if made the first glance of Ka’aba:
Many people have the wrong perception in their minds that their dua is more likely to be answered, if it is made at the first glance of the Kab’ah. Well there is no such evidence from the Sareeah, nor does any hadith indicate any such thing. Shaykh Sa’d al-Humayd said:
“This is not true; there has to be evidence for this to be true, because acts of worship should only be based on evidence. And that evidence must be saheeh in and of itself and it should be clear and unambiguous. And Allaah knows best.”
Myth 2: Kissing the black stone from far away and in the mid of tawaaf, holds a great importance!
Kissing the black stone is sunnah, indeed a beautiful one, yet kissing it from far off does not hold nay importance. People do it because they do not get a chance to go near the stone due to huge crowd. Those who have the chance of going near the stone, are lucky but those who couldn’t make it to the stone, should not mess up the crowd by standing in the mid of Tawaaf, while disrobing the flow of the crowd and throwing fling kisses at the stone. “It should be noted that the tawaaf remains perfectly valid without kissing the Black Stone. If one does not or cannot kiss the Black Stone. It is sufficient simply to point to it, saying “Allahu Akbar” when one comes parallel to it, although one may be at a distance from it.” [Fataawa ibn Baaz]
Myth 3:  Shouting prayers is a good way
It is noticed that some people shout duas and prayers at the top of their voices during Tafaas and Sa’ee. Usually in this case the imam or the leader of the group says out a prayer, which the followers repeat in loud voice, this cause a lot of confusion amongst others. Its better that you recite your prayers, dues and Quran, while keeping your voices low. Take small dua books with you if you cannot memorize these duas, so that you do not have to follow any one. Always remember that when you are praying, it is between you and your lord. “Each one of you is conversing with his Lord, so do not disturb one another or raise your voices over one another when reading [or he said] when praying”. [Abu Dawood, saheeh by al-Albaani]

Quran Is The Way Of Getting Mercy From Allah Ta’ala

Quran teaches us the way how should we respond according to situations and how should we spend our lives. no matter it’s the matter of Imaan (belief), Ibadat (worship), relationships, socio economic system, societal values, politics etc Quran is the way which guides us.
We all know this world is not long lasting, one day all of us have to die. Quran is the word of God which will save us in judgment day.  It is revealed on the heart of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) with the purpose of forgiving mankind.
Quran and learning is considered to be very respectful in Islam. It is the only way we can learn the essence of the Holy Quran if we start learning and teaching it. The learning and teaching is also a great way of getting mercy from Allah Ta’ala.
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) recitedone beautiful ayat of Quran the whole night, the ayat is “If Thou should chastise them, they are Thy servants, and if Thou should forgive them, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise (V: 118).”
It shows that Allah Ta’ala wants us to be successful and the way of success is Quran. Allah Ta’ala gives special attention to the DUA (prayer) which is performed after recitation of Quran. A Hadith explains it very beautifully.
Hadhrat Abu Sa’eed (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahotalaihe wasallam) said: “Almighty Allah says; “If anybody finds no time for My remembrance and for begging favours of Me, because of his remaining busy with the Holy Qur’an, I shall give him more than what I give to all those who beg favours of Me. The superiority of the Word of Allah over all other words is like the superiority of Allah over the entire creation.
We all must submit to the orders of Allah Ta’ala and should follow the Quran.

The Modern Ways of learning Quran

The teachings of Holy Quran serve to be the keystone in a true Muslim’s life. The relation between the Holy Quran and a true Muslim’s life is that of an electron’s to the nucleus of an atom; taking strength by revolving around it and keep doing so till there is some end to it. This is because Quran contains the road map of all walks of life for its followers, as it contains nothing else but pure words of God Almighty, as it is stated in the Holy Quran itself:
Aal-e-Imran [3:7] He it is Who has sent down to thee the book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the book: others are not of well-established meaning. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is not of well-established meaning. Seeking discord, and searching for its interpretation, but no one knows it’s true meanings except Allah, and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: “We believe in it; the whole of it is from our Lord”; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.
And God Almighty wants us to heed to His words of wisdom:
Al-Araf [7:2] A book revealed unto thee― so let thy heart be oppressed no more by any difficulty on that account that with it thou mightest warn (the erring) and teach the Believers.
Not only God Almighty, but his beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says:
“The best among you is the one who learnt Quran and taught it to others”.
Thus, it is one our prime obligation to equip ourselves with the praise worthy knowledge of God, bestowed upon us in the form of Holy Quran. That is why, to Teach Quran is considered to be a matter of great honor and a Quran tutor is deemed as a person of great stature and exaltation in an Islamic society. Because, the responsibility of a Quran tutor is a matter of great concern and impact in an Islamic society, and to teach Quran is considered to be the holiest and noblest of jobs one can go for.
The following hadhith, related by At-Tirmithi is quite evident of the high status of those who teach Quran:
Once The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah said, “He is not of us who does not respect our elderly, is merciful to our youth, and knows the rights of those who teach us.”
This is a clear proof of the exalted status of a Quran Tutor in the eyes of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Ever increasing Muslim population scattered all across the globe in today’s world is eager to find convenient ways to teach Quran to their new generations. Luckily, modern technology has new ways through which one can teach Quran to an increased number of masses more effectively through the expertise of a well versed Quran tutor.
Now anyone having the ease of internet connection at hand can easily find a Quran tutor online who can conveniently and efficiently teach Quran to everybody willing to equip him/herself with the most glorious knowledge of Holy Quran.
Thus modern age has been even more helpful in exalting the status of a Quran tutor, an already honorable figure of Islamic society, for the praise worthy services he is extending in spreading the word of Go to all Muslims.

Facts about the Quran Revelation

The divine guidance from Allah Almighty is contained in the holy book of the Quran. It is the Hidaya (guidance) for the entire humanity until eternity.
The following are some fact about the Glorious Quran that every Muslim must know.
  • The Quranic verses are the words of Allah Almighty. Therefore, it is not a surprise when it is regarded as the finest lingual example of the Arabic language.
  • There were three divine books revealed before the Quran. However, they were changed with time. The Quran is the book of divine guidance for the Muslims. It is valid until the Day of Judgment.
  • The Quran is saved as it is from the time it was revealed. The safety of the Quran is a miracle and a promise of Allah Almighty.
  • The entire Quran was not revealed at one time. It was reveal in parts over a period of nearly 23 years.
  • The Quran was revealed by Allah Almighty through his special angle, Jibril to the last Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).
  • The prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) took special care to preserve the Quran. When the verses were revealed he used to recite those to his companions. Some of the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) were appointed to write the Quran on the pieces of wood and barks of the trees. Some companions of the holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) used to memorize the verses of the Quran as soon as they were revealed.
  • The holy prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) made sure that the entire Quran was compiled in the form of a book. It was in the Arabic dialect spoken by the tribe of the Qureish. Later, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)’s companions, Abu Bakr (R.A.) and Umar Farooq (R.A.) produced more copies of Quran in the same dialect. The copies in other dialects were burned and thus a standardized from of Quran was preserved.

Understanding the Holy Quran

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said,
“The best among you is the one who learned Quran and taught it to others”.
It is an unfortunate fact that most of the Muslims today do not know what exactly is written in their Holy book, Quran. This is because of several reasons. Sometimes the parents do not understand the significance of teaching the Quran to their children. As a result he children grow up only with a certain set of principles taught by their parents and do not care about realizing the essence of the religion.
Some grownups say that they are too busy in their life to devote too much time to understand the Quran. Actually, the Quran understanding is promoted as something too cumbersome and time consuming by the so-called Islamic scholars. Of course, these scholars have vested interests in doing so. They know that if the masses do not try to understand the Quran by themselves, they can lead them in their desired directions.
There can be several workable strategies for someone who wants to understand the Quran. The first pre-requisite for understanding the Quran is the will of the person to do so. Another thing one must realize is that learning the Quran recitation in Arabic and understanding it are two different things. It is of no doubt that the Quran recitation is a way of earning many virtues. However, if one understands the Quran and transform one’s life that too might earn even more virtues. Of course, the reason of a Muslim’s life is to understand his holy book and to spend the life according to the Islamic principles.
For the Muslims, whose native language (or the mother tongue) is not Arabic; the Quran understanding is possible by reading the translations. The Quran has been translated in almost all the languages of the world. In fact, not many religious scriptures have this distinction. The English translations of the Quran are widely available. The most popular and easy to understand English translation of the Quran is by Pickthal.
So buy a copy of the Quran translation today to lead a life according to the Islamic principles.

What Do You Know About Islamic Virtues?

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger)
Have you ever thought as a Muslim that how many of the non-Muslims have developed their thoughts about Islam and Muslims in the wrong context and how it has never been that they have failed to take Islam as the bright side other than what they believe in. if the answer is No, then my brothers and sisters it is well time to start thinking on this matter.
There is no better way to learn, understand and practice Islam by learning from the ultimate source of guidance provided by Allah in the form of Holy Quran and as a result you would be practicing your religion with all the bright sides of it, unfortunately this is what is lacking at the moment as
Many stereo types, misrepresentations generating misconceptions about Islam prevent many Muslims and non-Muslims to understand Islam and its true picture and the supreme truth about Islam by creating a barrier as mentioned above. Therefore, the following quotes are added to help you understand the real Islam in context of The Holy Quran:
KINDNESS: “God loveth those who are kind.” (5:13)
RIGHTEOUSNESS: “Do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth.” (2:60)
GENEROSITY: “Give of the good things which ye have (honorably) earned, and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you.” (2:267)
GRATITUDE: “Eat of the good things that We have provided for you, and be grateful to God, if it is Him ye worship.” (2:172)
HONESTY / FAIR-DEALING:“Cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is).” (2:42)
CONTENTMENT: “In no wise covet those things in which God hath bestowed His gifts more freely on some of you than on others: to men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: but ask God of His bounty.” (4:32)
HUMILITY: “Call on your Lord with humility and in private: for God loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds.” (7:55)
These are some of the much known quotes from Quran to help you understand and achieve the message of Islam and what it expects you to observe, for more information search the online resources.

Holy Quran and Modern Science

We are living in the age of computers, laser surgeries, advanced medical treatments, and cloning! In today’s world of constant scientifically groundbreaking discoveries, how can we accept that Allah’s revelation, The Quran, did not reveal this all before? Believing the entire world to be created by God Himself, the Qur’an revealed 1400 years ago contains 1000 verses of scientific knowledge, and none of them contradicting with today’s scientific facts and discoveries. (Subhan Allah)
Apart from guiding mankind personal, social, moral and spiritual areas, the Quran doesn’t stop here and also throws light on varied scientific topics like astronomy, geology, embryology, genetics, biology, archeology an much more. Following lines will show you that Quran is truly a divine gift of Lord upon His creators. Read on.
The Big Bang Theory and Quran!
  • Modern Science: Astronomers of today accept the big bang philosophy for the creation of this universe. According to the theory, 15billion years ago a primordial mass exploded and the universe was formed. This was discovered somewhere in 1973.
  • The Quran: “Do not the unbelievers see that the Heavens and the earth were joined together, and then We split them apart.” (21:30)
Expansion of the Universe
  • Modern science: “The universe is not static, as had previously been thought, it is expanding”
  • The Quran: “And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it” (51:47)
Reality of Sun’s Orbit
  • Modern Science: Previous theories stated that sun is motionless in the center of the solar system with all the planets revolving around it. But modern science tells us today that the sun too is in motion along with the planets, and travels at 150 miles per second takes about 200 million years to complete one revolution around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and 25 days to make one complete rotation around its own axis.
  • The Quran: “It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion.” (21:33)
Invasion of Space by Human Beings
  • Modern Science: After launching of the Russian Satellite, Sputnik I in 1957, the human interest in the space took form. Entailed by several incidents including man’s landing on moon, human dream of conquering space was given a reality.
  • The Quran: “O assembly of Jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them save with a power (of God).” (55:33)
Earth’s Ozone Layer
  • Modern Science: Science proves that Earth is frequently attacked by meteoroids that collapse by sun rays. Similarly the dangerous UV radiation is absorbed by the Ozone layer around our planet, thus protecting it and making us live on earth.
  • The Quran: “And We have made the atmosphere a protective roof, yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things point to.” (21:32)
The Creation of Mankind:
  • Modern Science: Through powerful microscopes, ultra sound and fiber optics technology, the science of embryology shows that life is generated by eggs. Here are the processes defined by modern embryology:
  1. Fertilization takes place with only one sperm among several tens of millions produced by man.
  2. Implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus
  3. The human embryo is similar to a leech from days 7-24, when it clings to the endometrium of the uterus.
  4. The internal ears appear before the eyes, and the brain appears last.
  • The Quran:
  1. “God fashioned man from a small quantity (of sperm)” (16:4)
  2. “Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest” (23:13)
  3. “Then We made the drop into a leech like structure…” (23:14)
  4. “And He (God) gave you hearing and sight and feeling and understanding.” (32:9)
The Quran describes not only the development of external form but also the internal stages – the stages inside the embryo of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science.
Existence of Two Genders
  • Modern Science: Science tells us that everything from animals to plants and even bacteria are divided into pairs, male and female.
  • The Quran: “Hallowed is He, Who created pairs in all things, those that grow from the earth and of themselves, and what they know not.” (36:36)

What Is Islam And Who Are The Muslims – The Truth Revealed…

Islam, the second biggest religion of the world after Christianity has around 1.2 billion followers who call themselves Muslims. Day by day, the circle if Islam is widening at quite a commendable rate, i.e. 2.9% increase in its followership per year, which is amazingly higher than the number of births which is increasing at a rate of only 2.3% yearly.
This increasing popularity of the religion has made many people probe deeper into what actually Islam is and who are the real Muslims? Where media of the west is constantly seeding the young minds with a negative concept of Islam, it still remains one of the biggest religions of the world with a tremendous number of supporters.
This is what “YOU” think about Islam and Muslims:
When the questions like “What is Islam?” or “Who are the Muslims?” are raised, the only answers you’ll get are “Islam is the religion of war and Muslims are the terrorists”. But there is more to Islam than such false accusations, and people round the Globe are advised to explore it themselves and then judge the true character of Islam and Muslims – you’ll be shocked by how different your answers will be when compared to what the western media portrays!
The Holy Quran and the religion Islam say something else – Whereas the west is busy propagating its own established fake story regarding this sacred religion. It wouldn’t be wise for you to judge something unless you don’t know about it, and it’s your responsibility as an individual to find out why so many Muslims are following Islam with all their hearts and mind, and to find out the force uniting these Muslims despite the bogus claims made against their religion. If nothing else, this finding will at least let you know 22% of the world’s population much better!
This is what Islam and Muslims really are:
For every Muslim, the Quran is not just a book but a complete way of life and this is why they follow Quran persistently throughout their lives. Now believing every word in the Quran to be the exact message from Allah Almighty, here are only a couple of verses quoted from the Quran:
“Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits, God does not love transgressors” (2:190)
“If they seek peace, then you seek peace. And trust in God for He is the One that hears and knows all things” (8:61)
These two verses have been cited to eliminate your concept of Islam as being violent, aggressive and destructive. The word “Islam” itself means peace and harmony. In these two verses, Allah has clearly stated that he can’t love aggressors and fight is only permitted for the reason of self-defense. There are innumerable verses like these, refraining people from fights and suggesting them to find alternatives and maintain peace. War is only allowed when there’s no other way left and your lives and possessions are in a serious threat. Now think for a moment, can a religion talking about peace to such an extent create terrorists, extremists and fanatics? All Islam talks about is peace – peace with God, peace with oneself, and peace with the creations of God!
Now look at this way – if Islam talks about peace, then why are the Muslims terrorists, why all this bloodshed? And the answer you’ll get is quite simple, “because they are NOT Muslims at all!” The true identity of a Muslim is not of an extremist, but Muslim is the one who believes in oneness of God, in the angels created by him, in the Prophets sent by him, in the Day of Judgment, and most importantly in INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY OF ACTIONS.”
Muslims are the followers of Allah, and they do this through the guidance of Quran. For every Muslim or non-Muslim who wants to know the reality of Islam and Muslims, Quran is the leading path. Understand the Quran, and you’ll understand how beautiful and peaceful Islam is.

Marriage with Qur’an, a Sinful Act in Islam

The Concept
large number of feudal in backward areas had married their daughters to the Quran. The ceremony takes place after the girl of the family is asked to take a bath, after which a Qur’an is put before her as the men folk apologize to her for the ritual which would condemn the girl never to get married but to read the Quran every day.
Reasons for Marrying with Qur’an
These sorts of marriages are conducted to prevent their share of the land going to them and thus avoid redistribution of land.
Another reason is that poor parents are not able to find perfect match for their daughter so to prevent her for disgrace, they marry her with Qur’an.
Those who are not so rich to pay dowry to their daughters find it easy to marry her with Qur’an to keep away from humiliating gossips about them.
Islamic Rulings
These marriages are totally illegitimate in Islam and have nothing to do with the religion. This is all about power, control and extreme of ignorance.  Women are not valued enough to consider how their entire lives, and any dreams or hopes they might have had, their lives are ruined by a ‘tradition’ that is inhumane and beyond any rational explanation.
Islam never allows coming off from the world for the sake of religion.  how can one claim that it is right or allowable?  Although Islam requires complete devotion towards religion and Quran Recitation is obligated to all Muslims but this is abusive to marry a girl with Qur’an to make her recite it daily.
Islam doesn’t give men unbounded power to ill-treat women when he is given the status of leader of the house’.  Islam does not want sheep for its disciples. men are required to protect women from abuses, not to legalize what has been illegal in Islamic societies.

We need to clean up our societies from these sorts of unlawful acts to seek God’s pleasure. As God Himself guides us in Qur’an as:
“You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. GOD will enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.”  [24:32]
The importance marriage receives its greatest emphasis from the following Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH),
“Marriage is my sunnah. Whosoever keeps away from it is not from me.”
“When a man gives his daughter in marriage and she dislikes it, the marriage shall be annulled.” Once a virgin girl came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said that her father had married her to a man against her wishes. The Prophet (PBUH) gave her the right to repudiate the marriage. [Abu Dawud]
Parents Responsibilities
The responsibilities of parents in Islam regarding daughters can b best understood by this Hadith:
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said: He, who brought up two girls properly till they grew up, he and I would come (together) (very closely) on the Day of Resurrection, and he interlaced his fingers (for explaining the point of nearness between him and that person)
Forced marriages are discouraged in Islam.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “A previously-married woman should not be married without being consulted, and a virgin should not be married without asking her permission.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, how is her permission given?” He said, “By her silence.”
Parents are responsible for best possible growth of their children and selecting best match for their marriage.
Muslim parents are required to act upon the rulings of their religion neglecting the unlawful and disgusting customs and traditions that are brought up by humans. May God help us in abolishing iniquitous practices from our societies that are result of ignorance and betrayal from Islamic teachings.

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